In stock world, anyone would don't want to waste time to do anything what doesn't that won’t produce results.
However, studing stock charts will never make you disappointed for sure. This is important lesson for traders to earn profit from buying penny stocks.

Line Chart
The most standard and straightforward of penny stock charts. They show the a line connecting the dots which means the closing prices of the penny stock in each day. They are good for beginners and helpful when you want to look at the picture, but for opinions of traders, bar and candlestick charts give more info about the penny stocks. Line chart will not show the price movement for every day.
Bar Chart
The popular charts in traders's opinion because they are easy to understand and have a lot of info than Line charts. Each bar in Bar chart have 1 vertical bar and 2 smaller horizontal bars. The vertical bar are the trading range for the stock and the small horizontal bar in the left side are the stock’s opening price and the small horizontal bar in the right side are the stock’s closing price.
Candlestick Chart
They are like a candle with its wick sticking out from each end and are created from the trading principles in a 17th century rice broker. Candlestick charts give better detail and can give signals in future movement of the stock. The opening and closing share prices of share is set by the length and position of the candle. The vertical bar is bigger and then color coded to indicate opening and closing price comparisons.
The best way to find good penny stocks to buy is examine dealing stock chart. Some traders use their time and study thousand of penny stock's charts many years to increase skill of analysis in penny stocks to find and buy good penny stocks. If you level up, you can summarize within seconds when you glance in charts.
Source: Penny Stock Brokers, Penny Stock Classroom, Trading Penny Stocks Online
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