rel Is It Time to Buy Penny Stocks? : Bull Case | Buy Penny Stocks = By Penny Stocks

Is It Time to Buy Penny Stocks? : Bull Case

It seems "Downgrade" is the popular word right now.

After the news about U.S. lawmakers lift debt limit but can't prevent credit downgrade. Therefore, U.S. are not AAA rating anymore. S&P also downgrade credit rating from AAA to AA+, below Canada and France.

In this minute, this is not the time to buy penny stocks? (Please read our disclaimer before decide anything) Lowest to Highest (Bull Case!!).

If you decide to buy penny stocks, don't forget to use limit orders for guarantee the security.

Is It Time to Buy Penny Stocks? : BULL CASE

Read more news.

Let's look back to the last 2 months ago, Bad news in economics that effect buying penny stocks were happen and happen.
- Debt Crisis Fears
- Euro Zone Debt Crisis
- House Prices
- Economic Growth
- etc (blah blah).

We hope U.S. economic will be better in this year (or next year).

Source: Investopedia, Yahoo! Finance H94GVQNMU3HP


Unknown said...

Source of good penny stock knowledge

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Unknown said...

@jitendra sahu thank you and we will provide useful knowledge to you and investors.