In the past until present, whenever we want to buy or sell penny stocks, they will contact via their reliable broker.
Exchange with costs for brokerage fee, fare, telephone bill , etc. However, someone want to cut those costs or someone want to trade penny stocks privately. But how will these people do that?
The right answer is...

Buy penny stocks online
Yes, trading penny stocks via online can help you buy/sell without broker's help. Before, we wrote how to buy penny stocks online and explained how to do when you still have no account.Account is the important thing that investors need to create for saving your information and buying penny stocks, etc.
Where to buy penny stocks online
We collected top 10 where to buy penny stocks online, in case of you still have no idea where to explore first. These top 10 are famous in penny stock world (such as Scottrade).
Penny stock forum
If you think carefully and decide to buy penny stocks online and don't want broker's help, we recommend you should search knowledge as much as you can by forums (and we don't mean general forums). Penny stock forum is the source that investors will explore to gather necessary news/information for deciding before to buy penny stocks. To tell you the truth, there are more reasons to join penny stock forum.
How about broker?
However, we don't want you to think that broker is not good choice for buying penny stocks. Broker can help you many things and you can't find those help when do it via online.
Finish, we hope this tip will be useful to you, investor, more or less. Don't hesitate to commend when you still have questions or want to give thanks. These things will be the power for us to give more good tips.
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